Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Suddenly, Last Halloween

Suddenly, I remembered to latch the door.
It was Halloween night.
I had already dressed up in my own long dark wig and Gryffindor robe to distribute candy without intimidating the children, which I thought was a lot nicer than the lady across the street. She stood like a statue in costume, until the children came around and started flailing her arms and groaning.
Finally, all the children who’d played at ghosts and goblins had come to our door. I was careful not to make the decorations too threatening, as I’d remembered a frightened little face when he beheld a mobile, dark, sinister laughing Frankenstein at the door and creepy, crawly, plastic black spiders hanging in their cotton webs. That look gave me misgivings.
So they were replaced with a happy ghost, a happy, smiling pumpkin, a pudgy little witch, who bore a pleasing smile, and teddy bears in the pumpkin patch. The ghosts were still a bit “spooky” on the porch, but a little comical.
I turned down the lights and took in the usual horrific movie fest of HALLOWEEN and others.
Then, I heard the door unlatch. Apparently, nobody was sensitive to my onset of panic, for who should it be, but the larger, people-sized version of the sinister, laughing Frankenstein, accompanied by two white, dark-eyed ghosts, moaning and swaying.
I backed away, speechless and terror stricken. I sensed my eyes widening.
The creatures kept coming toward me, moaning and cackling.
Then, they threw a bucket of water on me, and smoke began billowing from me, as I felt myself shrinking and shrinking, almost disappearing. I was melting until all that remained of me was the leftover candy dish I’d been holding on the floor!
Suddenly, I remember, as my head jerked forward from my sitting position on the couch, that I had been asleep and suffering the most horrible of all nightmares…on Halloween night.