Friday, November 12, 2010


The rising fragrance of…popcorn popping in a real popper, instead of a microwave was more than a little exciting. To follow directions of measuring kernels and oil, both from Orville Redenbacher, left me with feelings of anticipation.
It would be special. The kernels popped in a large, visible, and louder way, until I was concerned the popped corn would go way over the top. As the pops slowed down their rhythm, and the popper used more force each time.
It brought back memories of the old-fashioned popper's lower case plugged into a socket, making burning red coils in the bottom, and a higher pan placed directly over it. It was also a reminder of pouring the oil first, and a measure of kernels, then, quickly placing a glass top over it to watch, as the small kernels expanded and expanded, until the top was reached. You could witness the miracle of kernel
Instead of the Kingdom of Heaven being like a leaven of bread whose yeast causes it to expand, what if Jesus had known about popcorn that the Native Americans had introduced to the pilgrims? He would have said, “the Kingdom of Heaven is like popcorn in a popcorn popper. It starts small and grows and expands and expands until popcorn is all over the kitchen for everyone to partake.”
And partake we did. Mom had her roast dinner in the oven during the Sunday service where Dad was the main dude of the show, after the dogs had howled, listening to the church bell; one of the dogs was ours.
So Mom was off the hook, after Sunday. Roast beef with a bay leaf I never could understand, nor did I care for it. But the carrots and potatoes were palatable.
What we got as we listened to the tall radio, that presented “Dragnet” and “Our Miss Brooks”, were bowls of popcorn for the evening. Very clever of Mom,to provide an easy way to end the day, and entertaining too!
So the bonafide popcorn popper finally produced the nostalgic Sunday evening meal, complete with radio plays, foreshadowing, “A Prairie Home Companion”.
So when I reached for the first morsel in my wooden bowl, to savor the non-microwaved taste, it tasted like…popcorn.


maryv said...

The popcorn brought back sweet memories of watching Friday Night Fights with my dad:)

Unknown said...

I may use your analogy if I remember it!

talesofperformingandpen said...

I'm assuming this is Rev. J.W. At first, I wasn't sure which analogy you were referring to. But upon reviewing my own writing, it does sound like just your kind of analogy. Feel free.